Washington Alloy E7018 Premium (SMAW) Stick Electrode

Category Mild Steel
WASTE 7018-P WASTE 7018-P
WASTE 7018-P WASTE 7018-P
WASTE 7018-P WASTE 7018-P
WASTE 7018-P WASTE 7018-P

Washington Alloy E7018 Premium (SMAW) Stick Electrode

Category Mild Steel
Manufacturer Washington Alloy

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AWS A5.1 E7018
ASME SFA 5.1 E7018
E7018 is the most efficient general-purpose, iron powder — low hydrogen electrode used for welding carbon steels, free-machining steels, and low alloy steels with a minimum yield strength of 50,000 psi. E7018 has a very good deposition rate, providing a quiet steady arc with low spatter and medium penetration. Weld deposits are of X-ray quality with easy slag removal, exceptional mechanical properties and a smooth uniform bead appearance. E7018 has excellent operator appeal and may be used in any position with AC or DC (reverse polarity).


E7018 electrodes are used for many ASTM specifications. More specific applications would include process piping, cold-rolled steels such as found in heavy machinery fabrications, fired and unfired pressure vessels, shop and field welding of bridges and structural steels, cast steels, shipbuilding, just about any medium carbon, low alloy steel where the welds are subject to X-ray inspection.


  • Brand : Washington Alloy
  • Category : Mild Steel
  • Manufacturer : Washington Alloy

Mild Steel


Washington Alloy

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Washington Alloy E7018 Premium (SMAW) Stick Electrode

Category Mild Steel
WASTE 7018-P WASTE 7018-P
WASTE 7018-P WASTE 7018-P
WASTE 7018-P WASTE 7018-P
WASTE 7018-P WASTE 7018-P

Washington Alloy E7018 Premium (SMAW) Stick Electrode

Category Mild Steel
Manufacturer Washington Alloy

Fetching product details


AWS A5.1 E7018
ASME SFA 5.1 E7018
E7018 is the most efficient general-purpose, iron powder — low hydrogen electrode used for welding carbon steels, free-machining steels, and low alloy steels with a minimum yield strength of 50,000 psi. E7018 has a very good deposition rate, providing a quiet steady arc with low spatter and medium penetration. Weld deposits are of X-ray quality with easy slag removal, exceptional mechanical properties and a smooth uniform bead appearance. E7018 has excellent operator appeal and may be used in any position with AC or DC (reverse polarity).


E7018 electrodes are used for many ASTM specifications. More specific applications would include process piping, cold-rolled steels such as found in heavy machinery fabrications, fired and unfired pressure vessels, shop and field welding of bridges and structural steels, cast steels, shipbuilding, just about any medium carbon, low alloy steel where the welds are subject to X-ray inspection.


  • Brand : Washington Alloy
  • Category : Mild Steel
  • Manufacturer : Washington Alloy

Mild Steel


Washington Alloy

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