Model 98-6TAFR Machine Cutting Torch

Category Torches

Model 98-6TAFR Machine Cutting Torch

Fetching product details


The Model 98-6F machine cutting torch features a “F” or low pressure type injector mixer for maximum performance using alternate fuels. Model 98 three-hose machine cutting torches have a cutting capacity of 15". Two-hose 98-6 torches have a barrel diameter of 13⁄8" with a 32 pitch, 10.12 TPI rack that will fi t any industry standard torch holder. Model 98 10" barrel torches have a cutting lever and 18" barrel torches have a separate valve knob to actuate the cutting oxygen. The 98-6F is also available in a three-hose valveless design for pipe beveling and multiple torch beveling.
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Model 98-6TAFR Machine Cutting Torch

Category Torches

Model 98-6TAFR Machine Cutting Torch

Fetching product details


The Model 98-6F machine cutting torch features a “F” or low pressure type injector mixer for maximum performance using alternate fuels. Model 98 three-hose machine cutting torches have a cutting capacity of 15". Two-hose 98-6 torches have a barrel diameter of 13⁄8" with a 32 pitch, 10.12 TPI rack that will fi t any industry standard torch holder. Model 98 10" barrel torches have a cutting lever and 18" barrel torches have a separate valve knob to actuate the cutting oxygen. The 98-6F is also available in a three-hose valveless design for pipe beveling and multiple torch beveling.
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