Lincolnweld® L-61® Submerged Arc (SAW) Wire, 5/64 in, 1000 lb Speed Feed® Drum

Category Mild Steel

Lincolnweld® L-61® Submerged Arc (SAW) Wire, 5/64 in, 1000 lb Speed Feed® Drum

Category Mild Steel

Fetching product details


Industry standard for submerged arc welding applications. A low carbon, medium manganese, low silicon general purpose submerged arc electrode. A good choice for a wide range of applications with single or multiple pass subarc welding. Available to meet Buy America. Choose a Buy America MTS product from the list of Available Types or contact a Lincoln Electric representative . "


  • Brand : Lincoln Electric
  • Category : Mild Steel
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Lincolnweld® L-61® Submerged Arc (SAW) Wire, 5/64 in, 1000 lb Speed Feed® Drum

Category Mild Steel

Lincolnweld® L-61® Submerged Arc (SAW) Wire, 5/64 in, 1000 lb Speed Feed® Drum

Category Mild Steel

Fetching product details


Industry standard for submerged arc welding applications. A low carbon, medium manganese, low silicon general purpose submerged arc electrode. A good choice for a wide range of applications with single or multiple pass subarc welding. Available to meet Buy America. Choose a Buy America MTS product from the list of Available Types or contact a Lincoln Electric representative . "


  • Brand : Lincoln Electric
  • Category : Mild Steel
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