Lincolnweld® 880M® Submerged Arc (SAW) Flux, 50 lb Plastic Bag

Category Flux

Lincolnweld® 880M® Submerged Arc (SAW) Flux, 50 lb Plastic Bag

Category Flux

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A basic flux which features industry proven results in multiple pass applications. Recommended for welding with solid mild steel and low alloy electrodes, as well as Lincoln's LAC series of low alloy flux-cored electrodes. Good deep groove slag removal. Excellent choice for single arc AC submerged arc welding.


  • Brand : Lincoln Electric
  • Category : Flux
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Lincolnweld® 880M® Submerged Arc (SAW) Flux, 50 lb Plastic Bag

Category Flux

Lincolnweld® 880M® Submerged Arc (SAW) Flux, 50 lb Plastic Bag

Category Flux

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A basic flux which features industry proven results in multiple pass applications. Recommended for welding with solid mild steel and low alloy electrodes, as well as Lincoln's LAC series of low alloy flux-cored electrodes. Good deep groove slag removal. Excellent choice for single arc AC submerged arc welding.


  • Brand : Lincoln Electric
  • Category : Flux
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