Harris 3 SuperMissileWeld® Steel Alloy TIG Electrode 3/32 in. x 36 in. | 10 lb package

Category Tungsten

Harris 3 SuperMissileWeld® Steel Alloy TIG Electrode 3/32 in. x 36 in. | 10 lb package

Category Tungsten

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SuperMissileweld® is a gas tungsten arc (TIG) form of SuperMissileweld®. It is used for joining or overlay on a variety of ferrous metals. It assures non-cracking welds on problem steels such as high carbon steels, tool steels, stainless steels, spring steels, manganese steels and dissimilar steels.


  • Brand : Harris Products Group
  • Category : Tungsten
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Harris 3 SuperMissileWeld® Steel Alloy TIG Electrode 3/32 in. x 36 in. | 10 lb package

Category Tungsten

Harris 3 SuperMissileWeld® Steel Alloy TIG Electrode 3/32 in. x 36 in. | 10 lb package

Category Tungsten

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SuperMissileweld® is a gas tungsten arc (TIG) form of SuperMissileweld®. It is used for joining or overlay on a variety of ferrous metals. It assures non-cracking welds on problem steels such as high carbon steels, tool steels, stainless steels, spring steels, manganese steels and dissimilar steels.


  • Brand : Harris Products Group
  • Category : Tungsten
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