AtomArc® 8018-CM electrodes contain 1 1/4% Cr and 1/2% Mo as alloy addition. They are used for the welding of such steels as 1/2% Cr - 1/2% Mo, 1% Cr - 1/2% Mo, and 1 1/4% Cr - 1/2% Mo, which are used principally in power piping and boiler work for the fabrication of plates, pipes, tubes, castings, and forgings.
Brand : ESAB
Category : Low Alloy / High Strength
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ESAB® AtomArc® 8018-CM 1/8" x 14" Stick Electrodes, 10# Carton
AtomArc® 8018-CM electrodes contain 1 1/4% Cr and 1/2% Mo as alloy addition. They are used for the welding of such steels as 1/2% Cr - 1/2% Mo, 1% Cr - 1/2% Mo, and 1 1/4% Cr - 1/2% Mo, which are used principally in power piping and boiler work for the fabrication of plates, pipes, tubes, castings, and forgings.
Brand : ESAB
Category : Low Alloy / High Strength
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