ARCAIR® Professional Angle-Arc ® K4000® manual gouging torch and heavy duty cable

Category Torch

ARCAIR® Professional Angle-Arc ® K4000® manual gouging torch and heavy duty cable

Category Torch

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ARCAIR® Professional Angle-Arc ® K4000® is part of the manual gouging torch and heavy duty cable assemblies offered by the industry leader in air carbon-arc products. IMPROVED TORCH AIR FLOW - More efficient use of air supply. Improved metal removal. FOUR HOLE HEAD ASSEMBLY - Optimizes air flow to the arc. Efficiently cleans slag from groove edge.


  • Brand : Arcair
  • Category : Torch
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ARCAIR® Professional Angle-Arc ® K4000® manual gouging torch and heavy duty cable

Category Torch

ARCAIR® Professional Angle-Arc ® K4000® manual gouging torch and heavy duty cable

Category Torch

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ARCAIR® Professional Angle-Arc ® K4000® is part of the manual gouging torch and heavy duty cable assemblies offered by the industry leader in air carbon-arc products. IMPROVED TORCH AIR FLOW - More efficient use of air supply. Improved metal removal. FOUR HOLE HEAD ASSEMBLY - Optimizes air flow to the arc. Efficiently cleans slag from groove edge.


  • Brand : Arcair
  • Category : Torch
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